Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sierra Nevada: Celebration Ale 2010 (American IPA) 6.8%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

This is the first time in a couple years that I have had Celebration Ale, what was I thinking? This ambrosial brew is truly the "nectar of the gods". It's one of my favorite beers because it is not overwhelmingly seasonal in taste. It doesn't have any weird, funky spiciness that guides you down a path of regret half way through. It is super refreshing and crisp; I think I could enjoy one of these in the summer. When I strain to detect detail,which I almost hate doing to a beer that I already know is good, I pick up some pinyness that makes me want to breath that air that makes your nostrils stick together; you know, that wilderness feeling you get from freezing your butt off. Thats right, pine, and do I taste poinsettias and sprigs of holly? No, those are just on the bottle. The big head lasts all the way to the end...great overall appearance. The subtle approach to this being a seasonal beer makes it awesome and drinkable. Plan to have a couple of these in a row, no problem.
My Rating: A+/4.95


Ryan Bloom said...

Sierra Nevada- this seasonal brew should be available just about everywhere right? Or did you have this while you were out?

Kyle said...

Yeah, you can get it at just about any grocery store. I'm sure there are places that have it on tap too.