Sunday, November 21, 2010

New Holland: Mad Hatter IPA 5.8% VS. Cottonwood: Endo IPA 5.9%


Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

Mad Hatter IPA is a good all around drinker. I could have a few of these without feeling over filled, or worn out by the same taste. It's solid and crisp, and has some floral smells/tastes. The bitterness, sweetness and hops are well balanced. It poured golden with a nice chunky head. I don't know that I would rave about any particular aspect, or grab for this beer with some many others to try, but it is good. I am picking this as the winner in this match-up however, for said reasons below. 

My Rating: A-/4.15

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

Compared to the Mad Hatter, Endo IPA did not have very good head retention or carbonation. It poured red/brown, which I was not expecting. Red ales and lagers aren't usually my favorites, and this beer had the strong malt presence that I associate with red styled beers. It did have a certain woodiness that made it different, so I can appreciate that. 

My Rating: B/3.65

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