Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bear Republic: Hot Rod Rye (American IPA) 8.0%

This one poured a lot darker than I was expecting. It has an unfiltered haze to it along with a nice big, tan head. The nose is most notably sugary, but the hops and the grains come through as well. I haven’t had many ryes, so I am still figuring them out. I do feel a difference in the body. For an 8% beer, it seems like this beer should be much heavier; somehow the rye has a less oppressive presence than a heavy malt version. The beer is very caramely, but then bitter hops to follow to round this one out. I cannot get over the clean feeling this beer has in the aftertaste. This brew boasts a great aroma, crisp yet complex flavor, and a clean bite finish…easy drinker considering. Note: This beer only contains 18% rye, so it isn’t a dominant flavor. 

My Rating: A/4.4

Grand Teton: Lost Continent IPA (Double IPA)

It pours murky, dark peach color that you cannot see through. The head is there, but does fade quickly.  The whole feel is juicy... pretty heavy, sweet and under carbonated.  The smell is heavy hops and sugary spice. There is a pleasant toasty bitterness that makes this DIPA pretty drinkable. However, the heavy fruit and sour flavors do become overwhelming by the end.  This was good for one, it would be hard to drink two.

My Rating: B+/4.0

Stone: Arrogant Bastard (American Strong Ale) 7.2%

This pours a dark, hazy brown and has a good amount of off-white head and sticky lacing. The smell is dark fruit and a little spice. The flavor is heavy bitterness and dark-fruits…I guess. I feel like the flavor should be sweeter or something, I just taste a lot of extreme bitterness...black walnut comes to mind. I’m not complaining, however, I don’t even love highly sweet beers. This beer is definitely tasty, but I would like to revisit it in a food pairing situation.  Additionally, I think this beer would be best served in the fall or winter. At a $3.59 price point, I see myself coming back to this in those situations when you want something a little meatier than an IPA. 

My Rating: A-/4.05

Natty Green's: Southern Pale Ale (APA) 5.3%

This pours hazy orange and has a good head that lasts; no complaints on the appearance. The smell is invitingly hoppy with a subtle amount of malt. The flavor is immediately tart and grassy. The earthy woodsy taste is actually pretty overpowering. I don’t find this to be my favorite pale ale by a long shot, but I would definitely recommend this to someone who was seeking out that “mowed grass” taste.

My Rating: B-/3.35

Emmett's: Victory Pale Ale (APA) 5.6%

This pours a fuzzy copper and has a nice head and some sticky lacing. For a Pale Ale, the hops are surprisingly detectable in the nose…then some mild malt. The flavor has a nice mild malt center with a bitterness that falls off almost as soon as you notice it. The whole feel of this beer is extremely clean and refreshing. This is a nice beer that I could have a few of. Notable Midwest Pales: Goose Island, Two Brothers, Three Floyds, Emmett’s?!...Yes.

My Rating: A-/4.05

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Loanrider: Peacemaker Pale Ale (APA) 5.7%

First off, this beer is fantastic for a Pale Ale. It pours a nice hazy copper color and has a decent head. The smell is fairly strong floral hops with some malt. The flavor has a pleasant tip-of-the-tongue bit. The whole bitter hops thing lingers and it never really moves to sugary malt, which I welcome. You get a lot of earthy, floral malt up front without the heavy malt back end. The lack of sweetness makes the body seem pretty manageable; I’d definitely have a couple. Great local find.

My Rating: A/4.45

This beer pours a clear golden color with two fingers of head and some lacing. The smell is inviting, but not huge. Again, the flavor is pleasant but nothing crazy. I first had this beer alongside Lonerider’s Peacemaker Pale Ale. The pale ale was stronger and arguably better. If you are looking for an IPA that is agreeable, this beer has a nice finish and a bitter bite. For those not seeking a large amount of hops, this beer had a pretty clean finish with a nice bite of bitter fruitiness. If you like IPA because it’s delicious and awesome and you can’t quench your craving for “loud” beer, then this is something that you might as well not buy, nuff said. 

My Rating: B/3.68

Ballast Point: Yellowtail Pale Ale (Kolsch) 5.0%

This pours slightly cloudy golden with one finger of head. This beer is quite honestly, disappointing. It tastes like a tolerable golden lager at best. Although the beer is still “crafty” in its quality, the flavor is heavy on the bitter malt side of things. It kind of reminds me of a Dortmunder from Great Lakes…only thinner and not as good. Admittedly, I was expecting an APA, and didn’t realize that this was actually a Kolsch midway through my experience; I still didn’t love this beer.

My Rating: B-/3.35

Ballast Point: Sculpin IPA (America IPA) 7.0%

This pours cloudy golden with nice head and juice resin lacing. The smell is floral and mildly fruity. The flavor starts with a crisp bite but turns smooth with a subtle amount of fruit and punch-in-the-face hops. The flavor works through bitterness but it does not take over. I can taste some pleasant grassiness…but not overpowering. The whole feel is pretty much here and gone, but I would not classify it as “rounded” because of the lack of sweet malt. I love this west coast style, and would easily put this beer in my top ten. If you are looking for a rounded IPA with malt and hops at war, this is not it. If you are looking for awesome hop bomb that is easy to drink, this is a must try. Delicious.

My Rating: A+/5.0

Orlando Brewing: Blackwater Porter (American Porter) 5.43%

This pours very dark brown with big, tan head and some sediment. The smell is slight coffee and toasted malt. The taste is slightly sweeter than I would expect from the smell, but there is still a pretty good balance to this beer. The aftertaste leaves a bit of a crisp, dry sensation…thus the name. This beer seems a little thin to me, and the retention of the head is not outstanding. Still, this is a drinkable beer with a pleasant, smoky flavor that is great for the style. If you like this beer, you will love Edmond Fitzgerald from Great Lakes. 

My Rating: B+/3.93

Lagunitas: IPA (America IPA) 6.2%

This pours hazy orange with light, fluffy head and active bubbles. There is only a little bit of lacing, but the retention is good. The nose is fresh and smells a lot like orange citrus with a little bit of graininess. There is enough of a crisp, bitter bite in the flavor…but a surprising amount of cereal malt in the aftertaste to balance it out. I like that the malt is presence, but not in a sweet syrupy way. This beer is very “approachable”. It’s easy to have a couple, and I feel like even a not-so-adventurous beer drinker could enjoy one. This is like a pumped up Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale, very west coast in style and appearance. 

My Rating: B+/4.0

Sierra Nevada Beer Camp

Weizenbock: 6.8%
This pours a cloudy dark orange, almost brown. The head is very big, but light. There is great lacing and soapy retention. The smell is kind of spicy and sweet. The flavor is very pungent and sweet. This whole beer feels pretty heavy and complex. There is some citrus present here, but I really just taste a lot of soapy sweetness. Upon buying the beer camp 12 pack, I knew this beer would be the weak link for me. I just don’t like any of these cloudy wheat style beers. I don’t really like any wheat or white beers as a rule. I will certainly try them if presented and I can enjoy them for their different uniqueness, but you won’t see me reaching for these styles in the beer isle.

My Rating: B+/3.78

California Common: 6.5%
This pours a nice orange with large fluffy head. The lacing and retention are superb. The smell is pretty mild…light malt and sweetness. There is a refreshing bitterness to this that is almost lager-ish. The malt is pretty dominant, but there is a decent balance of hops to make this a summer refresher. The beer is well crafted and good, but I don’t see myself craving this style in general. I prefer Liberty Ale to Anchor Steam too, I just lean toward the hops. However, I like a curveball now and then, and this beer tickled my fancy.

Double IPA: 8.5%
This pours hazy dark yellow with big chunky had. The aroma is very potent and primarily hoppy. The smell is almost skunky, sticky and herbal. So far I approve and I haven’t even tasted this beer. The flavor is a sucker punch of perfect bitter hops and grapefruit. I love this take on a double IPA. I don’t get that heavy, syrupy malt aspect that is so prevalent in a lot of double IPAs. This is just an amazing zing of crazy bitter hops that is just the thing I am always after. The drinkability is very nice for a DIPA. This is my new favorite beer for sure.

Juniper Black Ale: 8.0%
This pours very black, and almost purple. The head is tan and frothy, and as usual with Sierra Nevada, lasts and lasts. May I remind my large viewing public…I prefer IPA. When you stray away from your norm, SN just cannot disappoint. This is similar to their porter in its dark smokiness, but this Juniper Black Ale has an ever so slight tart flavor. There is a bitter crispness that reminds you of the ale that we oh so love. I think I can detect more “juniper” (whatever that is) in the smell. There is a pleasant fragrance that makes this beer artisanal…a fine, rare treat. I Googled “jumiper”…and yeah, this is kinda piny. Thanks Internet.

My Rating: A-/4.03