Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lagunitas: IPA (America IPA) 6.2%

This pours hazy orange with light, fluffy head and active bubbles. There is only a little bit of lacing, but the retention is good. The nose is fresh and smells a lot like orange citrus with a little bit of graininess. There is enough of a crisp, bitter bite in the flavor…but a surprising amount of cereal malt in the aftertaste to balance it out. I like that the malt is presence, but not in a sweet syrupy way. This beer is very “approachable”. It’s easy to have a couple, and I feel like even a not-so-adventurous beer drinker could enjoy one. This is like a pumped up Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale, very west coast in style and appearance. 

My Rating: B+/4.0

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