Thursday, May 26, 2011

Schlafly: Pale Ale (English Pale Ale) 4.4%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

This pours a really nice copper color with two fingers of medium white head. I already see a lot of lacing and retention so I am enjoying the appearance a lot. The smell is pretty mild, but it smells like a beer. The taste is pretty crisp and bitter. I have been on a long stretch of strong ales and IPAs, so the lack of sweetness is shocking, yet refreshing. I could almost say that there is no sweetness at all. I’m not getting any sour backtalk from the malt either. This is just a very non-offensive, well rounded, refreshing beer. I particularly enjoy the clean malt aftertaste that is balanced perfectly with a fair amount of hops…exceeding expectations. This is fairly light bodied, and something that you would want to cookout with, take to the beach, etc. 

My Rating: A-/4.2

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