Thursday, May 26, 2011

Schlafly: Dry-Hopped Pale Ale (APA) 5.9%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

This pours golden brown with nice chunky white head and some good lacing. The smell is pretty pungent even as you pour this beer. There is a lot of grassy/hops smells, but there is a fresh bready element too. The taste is much more herbal and hoppy than the Schafly Pale Ale, but the bready malts flavors come out even more in this beer. I even get a little green pepper vibe that I will attribute to the crisp, clean bite. There is great complexity in the balance here, and I am thrilled that I’m not suffering through a sweet, heavy bodied, syrupy beer. This is a solidly crafted beer where the flavors sits on the tongue and invokes the next sip, without leaving a mucky gross taste that you find yourself wanting to wash down. This is medium bodied, but definitely something I could have a few of. 

My Rating: A-/4.25

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