Monday, March 21, 2011

Terrapin Takeover: Charlotte Craft Brew Week @ The Flying Saucer

I was able to sample a few side projects/rare beers that Terrapin offers at The Flying saucer in Charlotte, NC as part of a week long craft brewery event. I jotted down some notes on my cell phone, so they are rudimentary at best. 

Substance Abuse (American Double/Imperial Stout) ?%

This was very heavy and boozy. It poured black with tan head. Actually, this is simply Wake-n-Bake aged in whiskey barrels. To no surprise, the whiskey came right out to bite your face. It was almost overpowering on the nose, but more tolerable on the tongue. In addition to the strong alcohol presence, there was a surprising amount of carbonation. Other flavors included chocolate, Irish Car Bomb, and coffee. This is a one-and-done for sure. 

My Rating B/3.75

Hoptaneous Combustion (American Double/Imperial IPA) 9.3%
This poured orange with a little head. It had a strong sweetness, I tasted fabric and band-aid glue. It also had dark cereal flavors with heavy maltiness. Let's be honest, you order a beer like this knowing that it is a rarity. This isn't something that you keep on hand. I've tried it once, and that's good enough for me. It was a tolerable double IPA. 

My Rating: B/3.75

Big Daddy Vlady's Russian Imperial Stout (Russian Imperial Stout) 10.25%

This poured black with tan head. The smell and taste was chocolaty and sweet. There was Strong alcohol flavor that didn't try to hide, but it's presence was pleasant ant expected from a Russian Imperial. I am really starting to like this genre of beer, and I'm blaming this for that new found interest. It was a solid imperial stout that had surprising carbonation and a body that was drinkable. 

My Rating: A-/4.1

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