Saturday, February 5, 2011

Double Dog: Raging Bitch (Belgian IPA) 8.3%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

This pours transparent amber with two fingers of head. The taste seems lagered (it almost has German features), but that could be the appearance suggesting that. I smell a lot of sweetness, more specifically, brown sugar. It does have the typical Belgium flavors...yeast and other crap that I could do without. For being an 8.3%, the tastes hides the strength pretty well, but this wasn't the first beer of the night either. It is very sweet, but has a nice hop presence. I am curious to know what this beer tastes like on a fresh pallet; time may tell. Hey! It's 8.3%, What?!

My Rating: B+/3.8%

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