Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dogfish Head: Indian Brown Ale (American Brown Ale) 7.2%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a tulip glass

Appearance: dark brown, one full finger of head
Smell: coffee, sugar, caramel, hops, nutty
Taste: coffee,caramel, hops, noticable alcohol
Mouthfeel: good carbonation, slight bite
Drinkability: fairly easy drinking, a little boozy

Summary: This is a great fall beer. I would recommend this to a friend; there are other dark beers that I want to try before I come back to this one. This is a good hybrid of a porter and an IPA. My initial impression reminded me of Great Lakes Edmond Fitzgerald because of the smokiness, but then it ended with hops and evidence of a higher proof.

1 comment:

Ryan Bloom said...

The picture in the background makes me thirsty