Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sierra Nevada Beer Camp

Weizenbock: 6.8%
This pours a cloudy dark orange, almost brown. The head is very big, but light. There is great lacing and soapy retention. The smell is kind of spicy and sweet. The flavor is very pungent and sweet. This whole beer feels pretty heavy and complex. There is some citrus present here, but I really just taste a lot of soapy sweetness. Upon buying the beer camp 12 pack, I knew this beer would be the weak link for me. I just don’t like any of these cloudy wheat style beers. I don’t really like any wheat or white beers as a rule. I will certainly try them if presented and I can enjoy them for their different uniqueness, but you won’t see me reaching for these styles in the beer isle.

My Rating: B+/3.78

California Common: 6.5%
This pours a nice orange with large fluffy head. The lacing and retention are superb. The smell is pretty mild…light malt and sweetness. There is a refreshing bitterness to this that is almost lager-ish. The malt is pretty dominant, but there is a decent balance of hops to make this a summer refresher. The beer is well crafted and good, but I don’t see myself craving this style in general. I prefer Liberty Ale to Anchor Steam too, I just lean toward the hops. However, I like a curveball now and then, and this beer tickled my fancy.

Double IPA: 8.5%
This pours hazy dark yellow with big chunky had. The aroma is very potent and primarily hoppy. The smell is almost skunky, sticky and herbal. So far I approve and I haven’t even tasted this beer. The flavor is a sucker punch of perfect bitter hops and grapefruit. I love this take on a double IPA. I don’t get that heavy, syrupy malt aspect that is so prevalent in a lot of double IPAs. This is just an amazing zing of crazy bitter hops that is just the thing I am always after. The drinkability is very nice for a DIPA. This is my new favorite beer for sure.

Juniper Black Ale: 8.0%
This pours very black, and almost purple. The head is tan and frothy, and as usual with Sierra Nevada, lasts and lasts. May I remind my large viewing public…I prefer IPA. When you stray away from your norm, SN just cannot disappoint. This is similar to their porter in its dark smokiness, but this Juniper Black Ale has an ever so slight tart flavor. There is a bitter crispness that reminds you of the ale that we oh so love. I think I can detect more “juniper” (whatever that is) in the smell. There is a pleasant fragrance that makes this beer artisanal…a fine, rare treat. I Googled “jumiper”…and yeah, this is kinda piny. Thanks Internet.

My Rating: A-/4.03

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