Saturday, February 5, 2011

Goose Island: IPA (English Indian Pale Ale) 5.9%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

Goose IPA pours cloudy yellow with 1 1/2 fingers of head that hangs around to the end. The nice head allows for a bold, sour citrus smell that punches you in the nose...maybe some pineapple or grapefruit in there as well. The taste is very bitter up front, not dissimilar to a grapefruit, with a lot of hop presence to follow. This is a good IPA, but I think I like the smell even better than the taste, not as a criticism to the taste. This beer is also very crisp and refreshing, drawing a connection to the Honker's. This is definitely very bitter rather than the expected sweet, it just depends on what you are after for that particular session. I'd have another...and another. My partiality usually lies with American IPA varieties, I'm bending the rules here. 

My Rating: A-/4.25

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