Monday, February 21, 2011

Left Hand: Warrior (American IPA) 7.6%

Drank From: bomber, poured into a pint glass

Warrior IPA pours dark cloudy brown with a lot of heavy, thick head and chunky lacing. It smells like dark fruit; I smell raisins for sure. The taste is heavy and malty. It has a nice body, and it is very drinkable. I prefer a little more hops, but this has a nice bitter bite and smooth taste. The ABV is only detected in the end. This is very drinkable. To be honest, I was hoping for some more fruity hops in the taste, but this is still a great beer. 

My Rating: A/4.4

Leffe: Blonde (Belgian Pale Ale) 6.6%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a tulip glass

Every time I review a Belgian white style, I continue to be disappointed. I should know by now that I just do not prefer the style. I know that I used to like Hoegaarden, and I have one in the fridge right now that I am hoping I will enjoy. Leffe Blonde reminded me of all the things I don't like about Duvel. It has a plastic-like yeast taste that I just cannot get into. I find that yeast presence very dominating, and it makes the beer hard to finish. The appearance was a nice golden color with a bubbly head. It does have an almost "slick" smoothness, but the taste really cut down on the drinkability for me. 

My Rating: C+/3.1

Brooklyn: Brown Ale (America Brown Ale) 5.6%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

Brooklyn Brown pours dark amber with 1 1/2 fingers of foamy head. I don't pick up on a lot of smell, and the flavor is pretty hollow as well. It has some nice toasty after tastes that identifies it as a dark ale, but nothing to go crazy about. It has a nice overall mild taste, but again, this is not something that I would seek out. It is medium bodied and drinkable, but I don't see myself have more than one of these in a row. 

My Rating: B-/3.5

Green Man: IPA (English IPA) 6.0%

Drank From: on-tap

Green Man IPA pours amber and very clear, not a whole lot of head (but I had it on draught, and the bar tender wasn't trying to create any head). I couldn't smell a whole lot, but the taste was huge and delicious. It almost had a dirty rawness...similar to the Green Man ESB. There was so much flavor and it was surprisingly well rounded for a local place. This was the second sampling that I've tried from this brewery, and I have really enjoyed it both times. There is a nice bite, with a pleasant sweetness/bitterness combo. There was so much flavor in this beer that I wouldn't call it easy drinking, but I want to want more of it. 

My Rating: A-/4.05

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Olde Hickory: Death By Hops (American Double/Imperial IPA) 7.0%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

This is a perfect example of a smaller brewery putting out a product that is fine if you are already a fan. It is probably fun to go to the brewery and have a fresh IPA from the tap room. However, I just can't say that this beer has the well-rounded qualities that are evident in beers from bigger operations. The appearance was not memorable and I thought that it was a little harsh and dirty in flavor. If you want hops, look no further. It's almost as if they garnish it with hops just before serving it.  It took me a while to put this one down, but I would like to give Olde Hickory another shot. I love trying local stuff!

My Rating: B-/3.45

Lagunitas: Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale (American Pale Wheat Ale) 7.5%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

For starters, I prefer this to A Little Sumpin' Wild. I'm not a huge fan of Belgium styles, and I thought this was more mild and drinkable. It Pours orange-yellow with big foamy head. The smell and taste is sweet and floral, with some sourness to follow. It has a nice medium body that is crisp. I prefer the orange-hoppy bite in this brew to the thick sweetness in the Wild. It has a wheatiness, almost making it a hybrid of sorts. I had a few of these. 

My Rating: A-/4.15

Double Dog: Raging Bitch (Belgian IPA) 8.3%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

This pours transparent amber with two fingers of head. The taste seems lagered (it almost has German features), but that could be the appearance suggesting that. I smell a lot of sweetness, more specifically, brown sugar. It does have the typical Belgium flavors...yeast and other crap that I could do without. For being an 8.3%, the tastes hides the strength pretty well, but this wasn't the first beer of the night either. It is very sweet, but has a nice hop presence. I am curious to know what this beer tastes like on a fresh pallet; time may tell. Hey! It's 8.3%, What?!

My Rating: B+/3.8%

Goose Island: IPA (English Indian Pale Ale) 5.9%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

Goose IPA pours cloudy yellow with 1 1/2 fingers of head that hangs around to the end. The nice head allows for a bold, sour citrus smell that punches you in the nose...maybe some pineapple or grapefruit in there as well. The taste is very bitter up front, not dissimilar to a grapefruit, with a lot of hop presence to follow. This is a good IPA, but I think I like the smell even better than the taste, not as a criticism to the taste. This beer is also very crisp and refreshing, drawing a connection to the Honker's. This is definitely very bitter rather than the expected sweet, it just depends on what you are after for that particular session. I'd have another...and another. My partiality usually lies with American IPA varieties, I'm bending the rules here. 

My Rating: A-/4.25

Goose Island: Honker's Ale (English Bitter) 4.2%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

Honker's pours cloudy light copper with one finger of head that is fleeting. It smells pretty strong of hops with a little malt. The taste is very crisp and bitter up front and, as stated on the bottle, this is "a perfect balance of malt and hops." I would say that the amount of malt is actually more than I remember from previous tastings. This beer is a solid easy drinker. And they got rid of the twist-off cap! Thank goodness.

My Rating: B+/3.95

New Belgium: Ranger (American IPA) 6.5%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

It pours yellow with nice, big chucky head that lasts. The smell is floral and hoppy, but not overly heavy on the hops. The hops and malt are very well balanced in the taste; this could almost be a strong pale ale. It is very crisp and all around good. This is not the first time that I have tasted Ranger, and I remember from past experiences that it was noticeably light on the sweetness for being an IPA...the same is true on this tasting.

My Rating: B+/4.0

Brideport: Hop Czar (Imperial IPA) 7.5%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a pint glass

Hop Czar pours murky orange with a nice, foamy brown head that lasts; the smell is very sweet. I also smell dark fruits, maybe raisin and brown sugar. The taste is a little sweet and bitter. I like to taste more citrus or floral in an IPA, whereas this is a little “imperial” and boozy in flavor. Overall, this is a solid beer. Within this brand, however, I prefer the pale ale. 

My Rating: B/3.75