Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Belgium: 1554 Enlightened Black Ale (Belgian Dark Ale) 5.6%

Drank From: bottle, poured into a tulip glass

First of all, I am convinced that all New Belgium Brewery's beers have a "tastes like sticks" taste. I believe it is commonly referred to as...earthy. To continue my rant, I think this beer actually has a campfire taste. I suppose I appreciated the smoky aspect for something different. Half way through I had a buckeye (chocolate and peanut butter candy), which was a nice compliment. It poured black with one finger of head. It smelled and tasted like chocolate, coffee, caramel and smoke. It was a little sweeter than I typically prefer, so I don't know if I would drink more than one of these in a row. I only bought two of these in a mix-six, but I can see myself buying a six pack of these in the future.
My Rating: B+/3.8

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