Drank From: on-tap, poured into a goblet
This beer pours as expected for a Belgium style ale. The smell and taste was very herbal…possibly sage. I liked that it was not soapy or too yeasty. There was a nice bitter bite that made this Belgium beer much better than the usual crap this style has to offer. Props to this beer for not sucking.
My Rating: B+/3.9
Hopsplosion!!! (American IPA) 6.5%
I had this after the Deamon D’or (a Belgium ale offering from the same micro brewery). It was a welcome change to a style that I like over Belgium ales. It was very good, maybe a little sweet and syrupy. There wasn’t anything spectacular about it, but I do remember enjoying it. It had a good balance of hops and malt, and must have been easy to drink because I had two.
My Rating: B/3.63